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Goldendoodle Express

Guardian Opportunities

Floral accent

Do you live within a reasonable distance of Provo, UT?

Goldendoodle puppy sitting

If not, are you willing to drive/deliver to our location or meet us within reason? Do you dream of owning one of our beautiful Goldendoodles? Would you like to own one at a discounted price or perhaps even free?

With this fantastic program, you pay 1/2 the normal companion puppy price for the Pick of the Litter Puppy. Our contract then allows you to become the proud owner of our most beautiful and choice dogs…the pick of the litter puppies at this great discounted price and we will actually PAY you as well so that this dog can become yours for FREE! All of these puppies are the cream of the crop and handpicked by us as the best of the best!

Please contact us for more information. Serious inquiries only.

Doodle Express Delivering Smiles & Snuggles
One Puppy at a time


  • 801-735-4707
  • 9AM - 5PM, Mon - Fri
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